Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank Thinks Big: 2,000 Gallons a Year


If you read this blog regularly, you probably already know how important the work done by our friends and clients at the Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank is.  But did you ever realize just how dang cool it is?

That question is more literal than you might think.  As it turns out, the Milk Bank has freezers full of donated human milk, which is just one of the fascinating steps in the donation process highlighted in this video and article from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Not only do the video and article feature interviews with executive director Denise O’Connor and lab manager Cyndy Verardi, they also provide an inside look at the process of getting milk from donor moms to the premature babies that need it.  They also highlight how the Milk Bank is paying tribute to the donor moms who have tragically lost their babies but decided to donate their milk to help save the lives of others.

It’s fascinating, powerful stuff, but it comes as no surprise to us after having worked side-by-side with this group of passionate, brilliant people who are making the future brighter for some of our region’s youngest (and newest) residents.