New Client Alert: Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape


When it comes to dealing with the horrors of rape, for years law enforcement, elected officials, and public policy have focused first and foremost on how to arrest and convict rapists. Yet we know that this is not nearly enough to tackle one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, one which leaves a trail of emotional, physical, and psychological damage in its wake.

Luckily, the focus is shifting. Through the innovative leadership of organizations like the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR), the emphasis is increasingly on preventing rape – and therefore cutting off the problem at its source. Addressing issues like sexting, cyber bullying through campus awareness programs and other innovative strategies, PCAR is at the forefront of the effort to put an end to rape for good.

Yet doing so requires both funding and increased attention for prevention programs. That’s where we come in. Denny Civic Solutions is pleased to announce our latest client and partner, the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. This is an exciting project for us at DCS because we believe in PCAR’s leadership and their preventive approach. Over the next year, we will be launching a civic campaign to help raise awareness for rape prevention and to help secure funding for prevention programs. We look forward to doing our part to help PCAR end the suffering – once and for all.
