New Client Alert: The Pittsburgh Foundation


Denny Civic Solutions is proud to announce the Pittsburgh Foundation as our newest client!

We’re thrilled to be partnering with one of the nation’s oldest, largest, and most well-respected community foundations. Founded in 1945, the Pittsburgh Foundation is the 13th largest of 750 community foundations around the nation. Denny Civic Solutions has recently begun working with the foundation in the development of its public policy agenda.

While a foundation doing public policy work strikes some people by surprise, more and more community foundations across the Commonwealth are following the lead of the Pittsburgh Foundation and getting involved in public policy and advocacy work. The Foundation has made these themes a central part of what they do for the Pittsburgh community, a push that started under the direction of Grant Oliphant and continues to expand and evolve under the innovative leadership of its President and CEO, Maxwell King.

Understanding that grants alone aren’t enough to bring systemic change in the areas of poverty, equality, and education, in the near future we expect that more and more foundations like the Pittsburgh Foundation will be actively engaging with the public and private sectors to bring about lasting change. We’re proud to be on the forefront of that effort.