DCS Intern Spotlight: Introducing Isy Belsito and Vivian Lee


Isy Belsito is from Cleveland, OH [editor’s note: she asked us to include “Go Browns!” here, but certain AFC North rivalries prevailed] and is a rising senior at the University of Pittsburgh double majoring in Political Science + Law, Criminal Justice, & Society. When she’s not studying at Hillman Library, you can find her at WPTS Radio keeping it funky.

In her spare time, Isy loves kayaking, playing guitar/bass/banjo, and having weekly movie nights with her roommates. She’s had a great first month at DCS and can’t wait for more engaging meetings, trips to Harrisburg, and John’s iffy jokes.  

Q: What public policy issues are most important to you, and why?

I’m passionate about all areas of civil rights, but I’ve always been the most vocal on LGBTQ+ issues. 2023 has been a record year for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, with the Human Rights Campaign even declaring a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ Americans. But in the face of adversity, I’ve witnessed incredible demonstrations of solidarity and compassion within the community and beyond!

Q: What is one fact about you that would surprise people?

Being a twin isn’t all that surprising – but once you see how different my sister and I look, you’ll be just as shocked as our parents were when they found out there’d be two of us!

Q: And, because we're all about food at DCS, what is your favorite place to eat in Pittsburgh? Do you have a go-to order?

If you had asked me this earlier, I would’ve answered with the late Pitt legend: Fuel and Fuddle. In more recent times, my Oakland go-to has been Oishii Bento. Everything is phenomenal, but you can’t beat the Tonkatsu Bento!

Vivian Lee is from Queens, NY and is a rising junior at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing, and a minor in Decision Science. She is involved in many cultural organizations at CMU, including serving on the executive board of an Asian-Interest Sorority and the Korean American Student Association. 

Some of her favorite hobbies include playing video games, sewing, and going to the gym. She finds DCS to be a super unique experience so far and is glad to have the opportunity to learn from such a tight knit and hardworking team!

Q: What public policy issues are most important to you, and why?

I am passionate about Asian Awareness! As a Korean American who grew up in a predominantly Asian city, I have grown to appreciate the exposure I had to many Asian cultures and also be quite protective of their communities as a whole. I hope to continue to be an advocate for Asian Awareness from beyond my hometown and my college campus.

Q: What is one fact about you that would surprise people?

My parents lived in Argentina for a decade before moving to the States and can speak fluent Spanish. My mother learned how to make the best empanadas from my grandmother!

Q: And, because we're all about food at DCS, what is your favorite place to eat in Pittsburgh? Do you have a go-to order?

I love to eat at Sichuan Gourmet! It is my sorority's go-to place for any group gathering and I always add Black Pepper Beef Tenderloin and Sauteed Green Beans with Eggplant to the list.

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