Big Day for Effort to Repeal PA’s Closed Primaries: 6/22 House State Gov Hearing
Vietnam Veteran, Pittsburgh Steelers Legend, and Ballot PA Vets Co-Chair Rocky Bleier on the floor of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
On Thursday, June 22nd, our DCS team traveled to the Pennsylvania Capitol Complex with our clients Ballot PA for a hearing to consider two bills that would change Pennsylvania’s election system for the better. The House State Government Subcommittee on Campaign Finance and Elections heard testimony from about a dozen election experts — including Ballot PA Chair David Thornburgh; Ballot PA Vets Co-Chair (and Steelers legend) Rocky Bleier; Open Primaries’ Jeremy Gruber; IUOE Local 66 member James Kunz; former Harrisburg Regional Chamber CEO David Black; and League of Women Voters’ Diana Dakey — on HB 976 and HB 979 to repeal PA’s closed primary system.
The hearing began with opening remarks by Representatives Jared Solomon and Marla Brown, prime sponsors of HB 979 and HB 976 respectively. The committee then heard from Ben Williams, a policy specialist with the National Conference of State Legislatures, who explained several different alternatives to our current closed primary system.
Jeremy Gruber, meanwhile dispelled many of the myths that arise when discussing repealing closed primaries:
“41 states have open primaries. 41 states: Montana, to Texas, Massachusetts to California. If they can do it, why can't Pennsylvania? These are red states, blue states, purple states, large, small — they all have open primaries.”
Ballot PA Chair David Thornburgh then joined testifiers, pointing out widespread support among media outlets, partisan voters, former and current elected officials, and more.
Ballot PA Vets Co-Chair Rocky Bleier pointed out that 1 in 2 veterans consider themself politically independent yet don’t have the right to vote in primaries, sharing his own experience as a Vietnam veteran:
“How would you explain to someone who risked their life for democracy and who perhaps, like me, was seriously wounded in the line of duty, that they can't cast a vote in a primary election?”
Diana Dakey wrapped up the hearing with her testimony and fielding of questions as a representative of the League of Women Voters Pennsylvania, emphasizing how open primaries would benefit both sides of the aisle.
Currently, over 1.1 million taxpaying voters in PA are registered independent, yet can’t access the ballot in primary elections. You can help these voters access the ballot by taking action now and telling legislators to support open primaries legislation.