Customized Advocacy Boot Camps: Pick and Choose Your Content


Our Advocacy Boot Camps, offered alongside our frequent collaborator Donna Malpezzi of DMMConsulting, are fully customizable sessions that range from an hour up to a full day. The content can be made, mixed, and matched depending on your organization’s exact needs. Below are just some of the possible modules you can choose to include in your own session:

  • Developing a Civic Campaign: It all comes down to this. Getting anything done in Harrisburg requires you to conceptualize, build, and run what we call a civic campaign. We tell you how.

  • The Legislative Process: Everything you’ve always wanted to know (but were too afraid to ask) about what it takes for a bill to become law in Pennsylvania.

  • Messaging Fundamentals: From anticipating public reaction with a message grid, to tailoring specific messages to specific audiences, we help you find the ideas that resonate.

  • Identifying and Selecting a Legislative Champion: Great legislation demands a great champion – here’s how to find lawmakers with the “right stuff” to get a bill over the finish line.

  • Social Media Advocacy: If terms like “geofencing,” “organic reach,” and “paid boosting” send chills down your spine, fear not. Online grassroots action works. We can walk you through it.

  • State Budget – Process and Development: The Pennsylvania state budget is a complicated process – even when it’s on time. We help you understand behind-the-scenes twists and turns.

  • State Budget – Content and Analysis: Ok, the budget’s been proposed – but what does it all mean? We offer insights from someone who spent over three decades in state government.

  • Coalition Development and Management: Building support for your cause means reaching out to some unexpected allies. We’ve got tips on how to build, run, and direct your coalition.

  • Breaching the “Administrative Wall”: Not all decisions are made in the legislature. We’ve got lots of experience working with the Governor’s office, DHS, etc. Let us share it with you.

  • In-Depth Case Studies: Sometimes the best way to see your own path forward is to look to those who’ve come before. We pick the right case study to match your needs.

  • Why Advocacy Matters: Ok, so we’ve talked you through the how – now let’s talk about the why. A lot of people think their voice can’t make a difference. Here’s why they’re wrong.

  • Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Act (MCARE):DMMConsulting’s Donna Malpezzi is a leading MCARE authority for good reason – she helped write it.

  • Other Customizable Content: We want to make sure your Boot Camp covers exactly what your organization needs. Don’t see it on the list? Just ask.

  • Interested in hosting your own Advocacy Boot Camp? Email Charlie Lotz at to get started.