Your Voice Makes a Difference! Our Fall 2020 Voter Checklist


2020 has been a year for the history books and lately it feels like we are being pulled in more directions than there are even fingers to count on. There is no denying that changes are being made across the proverbial board: at the federal, state, and local levels, in our daily interactions over Zoom and FaceTime, and even how we move around grocery stores (with hand sanitizer and face masks). The end of 2020 is bringing about plenty of changes as well, but fear not, friends! We have gathered a checklist to prepare you for the last months of a challenging year.

Fill out your census → The deadline is October 5! Census data will determine for the next 10 years how over $600 billion in federal funds will be distributed amongst the states. It will also determine apportionment for the U.S. House of Representatives at the federal level and will be the determining factor in redistricting for the state congressional map of Pennsylvania.

Register to vote → The last day to register to vote in the November 3rd General Election is 10/19. If you aren’t sure whether you’re registered, use this link to check your voter registration status.

Plan ahead → Make a solid plan for November 3rd. It’s important to know how you’re getting to your polling place (check for your polling location here) and knowing what time you plan on going (and to make sure your most patriotic face mask is with you). 

Request a mail-in ballot → With the pandemic, many people are wary about voting in person and that is understandable, if you aren’t sure about mail-in voting, watch this video to learn more about it! If you’re requesting a mail-in ballot be sure to do it as soon as possible and to turn it in right away. If you’ve already requested a mail-in ballot, track the status of your ballot here. The last day to request a ballot is 10/27!

See who is on your ballot → Use this as a resource to refresh your memory and to confirm who you are voting for on November 3rd! 

DCS Team