Why We Care About Senior Care


If you know anything about us here at Denny Civic Solutions, it’s probably that we pride ourselves on our work in the public affairs, social and digital media, communications, and PR realms. 

But did you know that over the past three years, we’ve been putting those skills to work for a very special (and very specific) type of client? We’re talking about the senior and long term care industry. There’s nothing we find more gratifying than helping orgs that help our seniors.

Yet the industry is changing. Many long term care organizations find themselves at an inflection point. Whether it’s an affiliation, strategic partnership, merger, sale, or even closure – every organization serving older adults has to consider how it will evolve and adapt in the coming years.

Want to learn more? Click here to check out our case study on working with one such organization, our top ten lessons learned from that work, and our one-pager on how we can help senior care orgs communicate strength at these critical moments.

DCS Team