Who Did We Forget? In Tough Moments, Mapping Out Your Audience Matters

A cartoon drawing of a large group of individuals wearing all different colors

When it comes to communications and public affairs, knowing your audience matters. That’s doubly important when navigating a difficult moment in your organization’s history. And it’s triply important when your organization serves older adults.

Recently, we looked at special considerations for long term care organizations to keep in mind when facing an inflection point. Now, we want to focus on one key element of that work: mapping out your audiences.

In our work with senior care organizations around the country, a typical list of key audiences may look something like this:

  • Residents

  • Families 

  • Employees

  • Board members

  • Donors

  • Media 

  • Community members 

  • Community partner organizations

  • Elected officials 

For each, you’ll need to map out both the content (which key messages you’ll be prioritizing), the channel (how you’ll share the news), and the timing. Impacted residents need a level of communication distinct from board members. Employees need tailored messages distinct from reporters. And families shouldn’t be reading your news for the first time on social media – they need a more personal touch.

It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that each audience needs its own completely unique set of messages. In fact, the opposite is true: you want to share your story to everyone with a unified voice, after all. 

However, prioritizing within your core messaging can make a world of difference: residents and families will care about timing and logistical details, and want to feel heard. Your community partner organizations will care about how your announcement impacts their relationship with you and their ability to make referrals. And your board members and employees will want to know what it all means for them and the future of the organization.

Making a major announcement is never easy. But it doesn’t have to be impossible. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you or your organization navigate the internal and external communications necessary during a major change, schedule a 30-minute discovery chat with us here.