Where in the World is Denny Civic Solutions?


This fall, you welcomed Steve Drachler to the DCS team with open arms.  And by this point, if you follow our newsletter or social media channels, you’re probably pretty familiar with John Denny and his work.  But we figure that it’s a new year, and a new chance to introduce you to the third member of our team here at Denny Civic Solutions: Charlie Lotz.

Charlie is our web content guru here at DCS, and his role in maintaining our website, blog, and social media channels means he can do his job remotely from just about anywhere with an internet connection – even a different continent.  Which is why, after spending five years in Pittsburgh and working extensively with both John Denny and United Way of Allegheny County, Charlie (along with his fiancée) decided to pick up and move to Seville, Spain in 2012.  He’s been there ever since, splitting his time between his work for Denny Civic Solutions and teaching English as a second language.

And while his path may seem a bit convoluted from the outside, video conferencing and good ol’ fashioned email allow him to balance being part of DCS team with a full teaching schedule – with a bit of time for travel in between.


So if you’ve ever doubted that the world is, in fact, getting smaller, we’re living proof that you can go global while still keeping your focus right here at home.  It’s that ability to live abroad while keeping one foot firmly rooted in Pennsylvania that makes the job so rewarding for Charlie – though he’s quick to point out that whether he’s on the 61C to downtown Pittsburgh or the high-speed train to Madrid, he’s equally useless without his morning coffee.