New Year, New Position at DCS: Traci Johnson Assumes Associate Role


We’re thrilled to announce that as of January 1st Traci Johnson has been promoted to the position of Associate here at Denny Civic Solutions.  Traci was our public policy intern in the fall while finishing her final undergraduate semester at Carlow University, where she majored in political science and minored in information technology.

We were immediately blown away by Traci‘s dedication, hard work, and ability to balance a wide range of projects simultaneously (all while earning a perfect 4.0 GPA in her last semester, by the way).  That –  combined with her creativity and obvious passion for making our community a better place – made asking Traci to join us full-time a no-brainer.  We‘re thrilled to have her onboard in her new role, and she‘s already proven to be a phenomenal asset to the DCS team

Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Traci to her new role – we‘re thrilled to have her.