DCS Internship Program: Help Us Welcome Ceci López González Durán


The DCS team just keeps growing!

We’re very excited to welcome Ceci López González Durán as our new public policy intern for the 2017 spring semester. Ceci is an undergraduate student at the University of Pittsburgh where she is double majoring in History and Anthropology with a minor in Portuguese. Ceci previously worked as an intern at the Latino Family Center in the fall, where she learned firsthand how individuals and nonprofits can come together to provide much needed services for a widely underrepresented community.

She comes to DCS with the hopes of learning how to create and promote good public policy, and to further her understanding of how civic campaigns work in the real world. She is beyond excited for the opportunity and is thrilled to begin working with the outstanding organizations Denny Civic Solutions calls clients. Please join us in welcoming her aboard!