Introducing ‘PA Budget on the Run’


Crafting and finalizing the state budget is possibly the single most important function of our Pennsylvania lawmakers. The budget determines which programs get funded and which new legislation goes into effect. And more than anything, it allows our Commonwealth as a whole to keep functioning.

So why do so few of us actually know what’s in it? Long story short: it’s complicated. The budget process is lengthy and involved, and results in multiple (and sometimes competing) versions before a final budget gets passed.

That’s where we come in. If your eyes start to glaze over at the mere mention of “line items” and “fiscal codes,” we’ve got you covered. Starting Monday, February 26th, we’ll be joined by our dear friend Donna Malpezzi of DMMConsulting for our PA Budget On the Run video series, where we’ll unpack the process for you — a few minutes at a time. We’ll be broadcasting via Facebook Live at our DCS Page.

So mark your calendars, and keep an eye on our Facebook page for when the videos go live!