Introducing Our Newest DCS Team Member: Eunice Agaba


Please join us in welcoming our new DCS Social Media Strategist, Eunice Agaba! We’re beyond thrilled to have Eunice as part of the team, and we asked her to share a little bit about herself below…

In my role, I don’t just make social media content that sings – I help clients build the right strategy to ensure followers see it, engage with it…and take action.

And speaking of singing – when I’m not posting about our latest client successes, or snapping a photo of you during an event, you can typically find me listening to music (that, and scouring any and all movie recommendation lists, or playing some nerdy card deck-building game)!

Nigerian-born and American-raised, I have seen a broad range of cultures, met various communities, and heard diverse stories from people from all walks of life, bringing a unique perspective to any work I do. 

Prior to DCS, I gained key social media experience during my role as Visual Communications Designer and Social Media Strategist at the University of Michigan’s CREATE Center. I am passionate about all forms of storytelling, and am dedicated to creating social media content that is meaningful and memorable.

Finally (rounding out that “singing” theme) are my three current favorite live music venues in Pittsburgh:

  • Thunderbird Cafe & Music Hall

  • Mr. Smalls (Millvale)

  • MCG Jazz