New Client Alert: Draw This!

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At Denny Civic Solutions we like to think outside the box, draw outside the lines, and be willing to accept the counterintuitive. But with our newest client, it's never been more important that we draw within the lines!

Following our exciting partnership this spring on their Open Primaries PA effort, DCS is excited and honored to be working again with the Committee of 70 on its statewide Draw The Lines initiative. This citizen-driven effort is all about what happens in 2021 when our state legislature redistricts Congressional and state legislative districts. Draw The Lines’ aims are clear: promote good government, establish a redistricting process that is transparent and fair, and put an end to silly, gerrymandered districts that are designed to protect incumbents and the party in power.

Over the past two years, Draw the Lines has engaged thousands of Pennsylvanians of all ages in map drawing competitions, and has awarded thousands of dollars in prizes to the winning maps. What the competition has shown is that people care about this issue, and that -- thanks to technology and easier access to data -- redistricting is open to all, and it shouldn’t be done in political backrooms.  

Under the leadership of David Thornburgh, President and CEO of Committee of 70, and Chris Satullo and Justin Villere with Draw the Lines, we will be moving forward with a creative, statewide campaign to engage thousands of Pennsylvanians in the redistricting process as it unfolds in the wake of the 2020 Census.

If you would like to learn more, check out the Draw The Lines website, or simply give us a call or send us an email.

DCS Team