Coalition Management: Want to Grow Your Message? Grow a Movement.


So you’ve picked your policy priority. You want to get X bill passed or Y bill blocked. Or maybe you want the Department of Z to prioritize funding for…huh. Wait. We kinda ran out of letters there.

Either way, once an organization identifies its advocacy shortlist, then comes the million dollar question: How? How are you going to get decision-makers to sit up, take notice, and ultimately take action on your issue?

The answer is, almost inevitably, the same: you need to build a coalition, a group of fellow supporting organizations or passionate grassroots activists who will join you in your cause. And once you build it, you need to manage it too, engaging your partners to take meaningful action, contact lawmakers, and help push your issue across the finish line.

At Denny Civic Solutions, building and managing coalitions for clients is something we do a lot. And we love it – after all, taking something from an idea to action is what we’re all about (we even put it in the tagline!).

Take, for example, the Ballot PA campaign, working to repeal Pennsylvania’s closed primary system. We knew from the jump that we couldn’t simply go it alone – we needed to build an army of organizational and grassroots supporters, all working together to get it done. Take a look below at what that looks like for Ballot PA (and how you can also get involved to support the movement):

  • We’re activating and organizing more than 3,500 grassroots supporters around the Commonwealth. Want to get on the list, and get action alerts right in your inbox? Sign the petition here.

  • DCS is also managing the Ballot PA Voter Corps, a group of highly passionate individuals from around PA, launched in March, who want to take their advocacy on the issue to the next level. Sound like you? Email if you’re interested in joining. 

  • Did you know that 49% of veterans nationwide identify as independents? Ballot PA Vets is a grassroots group of veterans, active duty and reserve military members, and military partners/spouses who are tired of seeing our vets locked out of the democratic system they swore to protect. If that sounds like you, sign up via the form at

  • Meanwhile, we’re also actively growing the grassroots movement via targeted email, digital advertising, and direct-dial phone campaigns

Put all that together, and you don’t just have a powerful message – you have a powerful movement. 

Interested in building a coalition around your own issue? Let’s talk.