How We Do Things


Denny Civic Solutions takes public affairs, government relations, and strategic communications to a whole new level.We develop and manage civic campaigns.. It’s much more than lobbying, advertising, public relations,public affairs, or building grassroots coalitions. It’s all of this, and more.

All successful campaigns start from the same position with the end in mind. We’ve helped a whole range of clients develop and implement civic campaigns, including:

  • Nonprofit organizations trying to change or pass a new law to help their constituents

  • Public agencies or authorities trying to gain the support of the consumers they serveFor-profit companies seeking regulatory relief.

  • Local governments seeking additional local control on tax, zoning, planning and other issues

Whether we are fighting for or against something, working to raise awareness or gaining public support, we follow sound principles and guidelines. Those are laid out below, using our successful effort to rename the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare as an example:.

  1. Start with a working Hypothesis or idea to address the problem and/or opportunity at hand. For example, “The word welfare has taken on a negative connotation and is impacting funding for human services, the people who require human services, and providers who deliver human services,”.” 

  2. Conduct thorough research on the hypothesis that will allow for sound, informed strategic decision-making. For example, “Based on research, people are more empathetic toward, can better relate to,and are willing to pay more for human services as opposed to welfare.  

  3. Do the market research to make sure you have a good idea where decision makers are likely to stand. . For example, “which legislators have a deep understanding of our state’s human services programs, and know firsthand that it’s not welfare?”“

  4. Begin building consensus on a well-researched proposal with key decision makers and influencers.“It’s time to take our proposal to change the name of the Department of Public Welfare to the Department of Human Services to potential coalition partners, decision makers, and key influencers to get their feedback and begin gaining their support. ”

  5. Build the organization and recruit the right leadership — Civic campaigns don’t happen on their own. Successful campaigns require a balance of professionals with strong organizational, research, political, and legislative skills. But above all, successful campaigns require strong civic leadership. “We need to identify and recruit the most trustworthy, influential civic leader(s) with credibility on this particular issue. Let’s identify those who have a strong connection to our human services system and the desire to make change..”

  6. Game On! — Time for public advocacy (which is at the heart of all civic campaigns), bringing all of the key elements together as one to move public opinion.“Let’s launch our coalition’s “Name Change” campaign with a strong message. Let’s share that message through statewide earned media, direct mail and digital media. Let’s launch our grassroots coalition efforts, draft the legislation, and work to enlist legislative champions.”

  7. Be Ready to Win, which means be ready to implement the policy change you are campaigning for or against. Even when the final vote is taken, many details are left to be resolved. You don’t want to win the battle and lose the war because you either weren’t ready to implement the proposal or someone else (like an opponent) was ready to do so in a timely fashion. “Here is a new logo design for the new name, proposed timing for introduction, and a cost-neutral way to do so.”.”

Finally, our team understands the challenges that impact civic campaigns, including time. Timing is everything. Some campaigns have a definitive start and end date when success or failure will be known. For others, the start and end date is not always as clear. But a sense of urgency is always required.

Regardless of the challenges you face, Denny Civic Solutions has the expertise to keep your initiative “top-of-mind” among the people that matter. By starting with the end in mind and following specific principles, a winning campaign is within reach.