What’s In a Name? Enter Yours to Win a Free Ticket to this Year’s KeyCon!


Sometimes a name just fits.

Can you imagine the Queen of Soul being named anything other than “Aretha?” Can you hear the name “Troy” without mentally adding “Polamalu” to the end? (Ok, maybe that last one is specific to Western Pennsylvania).

Another truly fitting name in Western Pennsylvania? Erie’s own The Nonprofit Partnership (NPP). And why is it so fitting? Because partnership lies at the heart of everything they do.

Denny Civic Solutions has been proud to partner with NPP for the last three editions of their annual conference, and we’re excited to announce that we will once again be serving as a premier sponsor for this year’s Keystone Nonprofit Conference, or KeyCon! The hybrid in-person / online event will take place over two days this year, on October 25 and 26.

Most exciting of all, this year our Denny Civic Solutions team will be leading an all-day intensive course on Monday, Oct. 25th titled If You're Not at the Table, You're on the Menu: Engaging Nonprofit Leaders in Public Policy. This 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in-person session is aimed at leadership-level individuals whose organizations may have mastered service delivery, but who still get nervous at the mere mention of the word “advocacy.”

The goal of our session is to help nonprofit leaders realize why being a 501(c)3 doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for the people you serve, and why truly effective nonprofits know that public policy has an outsized impact on everything they do. We’ll walk attendees through the do’s and don’ts of navigating public policy, including a (mock) legislative meeting with a (real) PA legislator or staff member. Most importantly of all, we’ll help attendees see themselves as advocates, incorporating the tools they learn in our intensive course into their day-to-day work.


Best of all, two lucky individuals have the chance to win FREE admission to both days of KeyCon on us! Just submit your name and contact info in the form here, and during the week of August 30th we’ll select two lucky winners.

We’re grateful to NPP for the opportunity, and look forward to a fruitful partnership for years to come!

DCS Team