What Our Summer Interns Taught Us


For those who know us, you know that DCS believes strongly in hiring and paying student interns. We also take the “learning by doing” part of an internship seriously; that’s why we bring them into some of our most meaningful work.

This summer's interns at DCS were simply outstanding, and in many ways taught us as much as we may have taught them.

We had two interns this summer – Isy Belsito and Vivian Lee.

Isy Belsito is a rising junior at the University of Pittsburgh, whobrought energy and enthusiasm to all of her work. She managed some of our client research, strategic planning, and was always offering ideas and suggestions related to client services. She had only one downside – Isy is a diehard Cleveland Browns fan!

Meanwhile, Vivian Lee from Queens, New York will be a junior this year at Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in Business with a concentration in Marketing. With her interests and studies, Vivian quickly became our social media intern who worked on developing and strategically placing social posts and working on client surveys. And her hidden power? We found out she can throw a zinger with the best of them!

Thank you both for your hard work, Isy and Viv!

DCS Team