Tricks and Treats for your Fall Social Media Strategy


Digital and social media trends are changing constantly, and it can feel overwhelming keeping up with all the latest and greatest tools each year. Here are some simple tricks that are worth learning!


1.) Better than Boost
The Facebook “boost” button is both alluring and mysterious. Facebook loves to tempt, “Boost this post now to reach 10,000 viewers… for only $20!” Wow, sounds like sweet deal, right? But it might also make you stop and think… Who are these 10,000 viewers, anyway? Where are they coming from? Are they even relevant to my content?

Once you click that big, blue “boost” button, a short menu of options appears. While it’s tempting to leave all the default options selected, instead take a moment here to reflect on your campaign goals. Which is more important to you – getting a few new “likes” on your post, or getting a few new donors? Depending on the type of post, objectives can include increases in post likes and comments, online sales and bookings, RSVPs for your event, donations to your organization, or traffic to your website. As you can imagine, the default option of “give me more post likes!” will probably not give you the best bang for your boosting bucks. The connections and conversions that you can make outside of Facebook have potential to be much more valuable and with a longer lasting impact.


2.) Add Animation!
Animated posts and motion graphics may seem like something to leave to advanced designers, but simple software and apps are available to make your own!

When you’re looking to draw attention to a social media post or button on your website, a subtly animated icon or image may be the graphic you’re looking for! Online software like Adobe Spark and Canva (both also available as mobile apps) are my go-to animation creation websites. Graphic animation has become widely accessible but is still rarely utilized.


3.) Geotargeting and Geofencing
There are times when you want the whole world to see your posts, then other times when it would be more effective to reach a specific location and demographic. Especially when it comes to paid advertising online and social media, advertising budgets work much more efficiently when targeted by location.

Geotargeting, commonly used in social media advertising, can include a city, county, state, or even country to target viewers who will see the post. To target more specific locations, such as the proximity of viewers to a business, geotargeting can also include a radius from a specific address.

Geofencing is similar, but instead of including a radius surrounding a point on a map, you can choose an outline (or “fence”) with coordinates where your ad will be targeted. We’ve used this to target specific buildings, event centers, and even the state capitol!

(Pssst – if you’d like help with your social media strategy, paid Facebook advertising, or with a geofencing campaign, let’s get in touch!)