The Power of a Diverse Coalition
If you’ve heard us say it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times – when it comes to building coalitions, it’s vital to think outside the box.
No matter what policy issue you’re fighting for, your campaign benefits when your coalition isn’t simply “the usual suspects” going it alone. Why?
Because it means unexpected allies: These folks set your coalition apart from other groups — and can force lawmakers to pay attention (more on that below). It also means you have coalition partners who can speak to more than one side of your issue.
Because it means amplifying your message: When you have organizations that represent groups from across socioeconomic, demographic, and geographic areas, your message is strengthened by their collective voice. Plus, each participating organization brings its own experience, network, resources, and relationships with them.
It means credibility: By having a broad range of voices included in your advocacy efforts, it strengthens your issue’s bipartisan appeal. Partner organizations with a respected brand (and/or a long policy track record) can also help open doors to hard-to-reach public officials.
Theory, Meet Practice
Mark Nicastre
We’ve recently seen firsthand what prioritizing a diverse coalition can do for your advocacy efforts. Take our friends at #PANeedsTeachers, where 90+ individual members are joined by groups across the education sector and now — thanks in large part to the work of our strategic partner Mark Nicastre — by community chambers and economic development organizations across the state.
Mark has championed the call for workforce development organizations to join the #PNT coalition. And by getting the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce on board, he and #PNT have witnessed a true shift among members of the legislature. Lawmakers who may have been hesitant to support before have come around after hearing the legitimate concerns of the business community — many of whom are each affected by our commonwealth’s educator shortage crisis in unique and varied ways.
And it’s had a domino effect — #PANeedsTeachers has since seen other members of the business community sign on, including the York County Economic Alliance, PA Workforce Development Association, and Cambria Regional Chamber.
These chambers, along with the many members of the education community — from the Pennsylvania Principals Association to Elevate 215 to Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools to the Center for Black Educator Development — are working together to address PA’s teacher shortages.
These groups have one and all played an important part in legitimizing the #PANeedsTeachers coalition, They provideinsights and leverageexisting relationships with colleagues, fellow stakeholders, and members of the General Assembly to highlight the coalition’s priorities. Their credibility has led to the coalition’s report being cited as a reason to support funding for student-teacher stipends, establish data collection, and referenced in numerous press conferences on addressing teacher shortages.
If you are interested in joining the #PANeedsTeachers coalition and lending your organization’s own voice to an issue that affects each and every one of us, head to the coalition’s website to learn more.