Our Two Newest Clients Know: “An Ounce of Prevention” Works Best


As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” 

For Denny Civic Solutions, part of what makes our clients extraordinary is that so many of them live by these words — whether it's working to increase access to primary care, providing human pasteurized donor milk to NICU babies, or passing legislation to support children of incarcerated parents.

DCS is now proud to welcome two new clients who provide that same ounce of preventionPennsylvania Community Health Workers Collaborative and 412 Food Rescue! 

Community Health Workers (CHWs) play a vital role in the preventative efforts of our healthcare delivery system. Embedded within the communities they serve, CHWs are experts in the social determinants of health, and help ensure that people with chronic conditions or other health challenges get the care they need to avoid emergency room visits. DCS is working to help CHWs secure necessary funding — an ounce of prevention — so that they can better serve those in their community and avert expensive health care costs down the line (a pound of cure).

Meanwhile, prevention also lies at the heart of what 412 Food Rescue does every day. They prevent perfectly good food from entering the waste stream, and then they redirect it to those who need it in the Pittsburgh area — helping prevent food insecurity in the process. This prevention-focused nonprofit approach relies on hundreds of volunteers to make its efforts possible. Check out this one-minute video on how it all works.

We’re proud to support these organizations in their mission to do what they do best: investing an ounce (or three) of prevention in our communities, every day.