New Season, New Faces: Our DCS Team Is Growing!


If our summer was marked by the departure of a beloved team member, our fall is shaping up to be defined by a veritable wave of incoming talent. As of last week, we officially have two new members of the DCS team, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome them aboard.

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Yet one of those two isn’t really “new” at all. Jarah Doosé is our new DCS Junior Associate, but you may recognize her from her previous work as a DCS intern in the summer of 2017. During that time, she played a critical role in everything from the Campaign for What Works to the #StrongMomStrongBaby and Making Your Future campaigns.

Needless to say, we couldn’t just leave someone as talented as Jarah alone – though she’s certainly been keeping busy in the meantime! Since her first stint with us, she has interned with both US Congressman Mike Doyle and the Borough of Braddock on its blight remediation initiative. She is currently a senior resident assistant at Carlow University, where she majors in Political Science and Pre-Law.

As a DCS Junior Associate, she will play a critical role in helping us advance civic campaigns and promote good public policy that works for everyone, particularly those in need.

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The other new face around the office is truly new, though you wouldn’t know it by how quickly he’s become a key part of our team. Through a partnership with the University of Pittsburgh, Saket Rajprohat will serve as our Elsie Hillman Honors Scholar through Spring of 2019.

Saket is in his 4th year at the University of Pittsburgh, studying Marketing at the College of Business Administration and minoring in Political Science focused on International Relations. He is excited to be joining the Elsie Hillman Scholars program to further his understanding the world, and to apply his focus on millennial civic engagement to our work at DCS.

During his time at Pitt, he has served on the board of Facilitating Opportunities for Refugee Growth Empowerment (FORGE) where he worked with refugees to assist in their integration into the Pittsburgh community. He also currently serves as the Chair of the Asian Pacific Islander American Vote Initiative (APIA) through South Asian Student Association (SASA), where he focuses on increasing voter participation amongst Asian and Pacific Islanders populations for the upcoming midterm and presidential elections. Saket has also worked at the Pitt News as a Senior Columnist, writing about national politics and social issues here and off campus. Currently, Saket serves on the board of Pitt Civics, a student-led effort to create a center for civic engagement at the University of Pittsburgh.