Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank Opening Soon After Hitting Funding Target


Editor’s Note: The Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank is now renamed as the Mid Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank

We’re thrilled to announce that our friends and clients at the Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank have hit a huge milestone in their effort to bring safe, life-giving breast milk to the region’s most vulnerable newborns.

You may remember our efforts working with the Milk Bank over the past year to secure crucial early funding for their services – funding that would make it possible for them to build out its laboratory, offices, and classroom space in the Strip District, secure two vital pasteurization units, and start accepting donations from Pittsburgh moms.

We can proudly say that the Milk Bank has hit their $750,000 fundraising goal and is set to open this fall. They’re already accepting applicants, with donations and screening likely set to begin before the end of September. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a donor, please check out their website here .

And if this news wasn’t good enough, the work we’ve done with the Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank has led us to the New York Milk Bank, another fantastic regional milk bank that hopes to be up and running by the end of 2015. We’re beyond pleased to announce that we will be partnering with them on their work going forward, and we’re grateful and honored to be part of both efforts to bring donated human milk to neonates who depend on it, sometimes for their very survival.

Helping kids, helping moms – we’re proud to be helping bring a very real, very needed change to the communities we live and work in.