Is Your Digital Rapid Response Ready to Spring into Action?


One of the most important aspects of an effective rapid response is that it succeeds at being, well... rapid. And as with other facets of digital advocacy, the pandemic has accelerated trending changes in the most effective methods of rapid response programs.

The best response will always be a combination of the ability to activate grassroots activists and apply constituent pressure, along with a well-connected lobbying presence. But what is the most effective and fastest way to activate and connect grassroots activists with policymakers?

While email is a vital advocacy tool, we’ve noticed a rise in mobile activation tools and strategies, with mobile strategies acting as an easy, quick, and accessible way for supporters to get involved and take action. Here are some of the latest tools and strategies we use at Denny Civic Solutions for rapid response campaigns with our clients:

  1. Text Messages - Did you know that text messaging has a 99% open rate? Compare that to email, which can often leave organizations with open rates in the single digits. Text messaging consistently receives higher open and conversion rates than email communications, along with the added bonus of faster actions taken by your supporters, who are more likely to take action quickly when they receive a call-to-action request on their phone. At Denny Civic Solutions, we use text messaging software with our clients to quickly contact and activate supporters to take urgent actions.

  2. Effective and Urgent Messaging - All effective rapid response communications contain a sense of urgency that drives supporters to take action. It’s important to know your audience and demographics, and the strategic messaging that best resonates with them. When you combine effective messaging for your audience with a sense of urgency, supporters will be more receptive to your cause and more likely to take action. If you’re looking for help crafting the perfect messaging for your supporters, DCS has years of experience crafting well-targeted messages and rapid response communications for a wide range of audiences.

  3. Keyword Shortcodes - One of our favorite digital advocacy tools is the use of text messaging keywords. With this tool, viewers will see a short, memorable keyword to send via a text message on their phone. For example, you can text the word FAMILY to the number 52886 to join as an advocate on the Family Care Campaign working to bring paid family leave to Pennsylvania. We’ve experienced positive results with these text keywords during live events, presentations and webinars, and even on social media, resulting in a growing list of grassroots advocates for your organization.

While maintaining personal connections to legislators and having more traditional methods of rapid response communications is vital to a successful campaign, adding these new mobile tools and strategies is an extremely effective way to give your campaign response the boost it needs with your grassroots activists.

DCS Team