Giving Thanks for Our Partners


In this season of giving thanks, we at Denny Civic Solutions have a lot of people to thank for our success in 2016. From the beginning, our partners played an integral role:

Donna Malpezzi works with us on a range of projects. She is former chief counsel to the PA Senate Republican majority leadership. Her insights into the intricacies of legislating, the managing of personalities in the political arena, and most importantly, the details of the law, help our clients move over, under, and around obstacles. Plus, she’s a lot of fun to be around.

There’s not enough space to describe how important Pittsburgh’s Blender, Inc. is to us, especially partner Kris Knierim and her talented social media maven Katy Albert. We’ve learned that social media – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – are the key drivers in getting messages to the right people at the right time. Blender’s leadership has been vital to the #IWantToWork social media campaign.

Ray Firth is our go-expert on most everything related to human services. Ray’s so good at what he does that when he tried to really retire, we wouldn’t let him. Ray’s decades of work for the Allegheny Department of Human Services and his work at the University of Pittsburgh make him our go-to person when we want to know how the human services system works – or should work.

Shannon Oscar is our fundraising consultant extraordinaire. Always smiling, always positive, Shannon offers our clients important insights when putting together a fundraising strategy.

Finally, our newest partner is Pittsburgh’s Shift Collaborative, which is working with us on a project for the Center for Sustainable Shale Development. We feel like we’re a lot hipper when we’re with the uber creative, urbane Shift folks. And a lot smarter, too.