DCS Webinar with Erie’s Nonprofit Partnership: Coffee, Pepperoni, and...State Budgets?

A tempting prize: Stanganelli’s world-famous pepperoni balls were mailed from Erie to a lucky trivia winner!

A tempting prize: Stanganelli’s world-famous pepperoni balls were mailed from Erie to a lucky trivia winner!

Here’s a brain teaser for you: what do PA schools’ Fair Funding Formula, proposed changes to Pennsylvania’s human services budget, and Stanganelli’s world-famous pepperoni balls all have in common?

Answer: All three played a major role in Denny Civic Solutions’ webinar with Erie’s Nonprofit Partnership (NPP) on March 3rd!

We were honored to be invited by NPP to present to their network of nonprofit organizations in Erie and across the state, as well as many leaders in the Commonwealth’s foundation community. The topic?  Pennsylvania’s critically important (but also seriously complicated) state budget process, and how it breaks down for nonprofits.  

Leading the charge in the webinar were our long-time strategic partners, Jane Earll and Donna Malpezzi. As Erie’s former State Senator and the former Chief Legal Counsel to three PA Senate Majority Leaders, respectively, nobody knows the PA state budget process better than they do.

John and our DCS team were also on hand to tackle how attendees can translate their new budget knowledge into action -- and ensure that the process is working for them and the communities they serve. 

And to keep things lively, we offered a series of trivia questions throughout, culminating in three Erie-themed prizes given out in honor of our hosts: a gift certificate to Erie’s favorite coffee-and-donut chain Tim Hortons, a box of Erie’s legendary pepperoni balls from Stanganelli’s Italian Foods, and free registration for one lucky attendee to NPP’s annual nonprofit summit this fall. 

Interested in having our team present to your network?
Shoot us an email!

Erie Nonprofit Screenshot.png

*Pepperoni balls not guaranteed.

DCS Team