Looking Backward to Move Us Forward


September is a good time to reflect. Summer’s over (at least, it usually is…this particular summer seems to be hanging on for dear life), the fall hasn’t fully begun, and the hustle-and-bustle of the holiday season is still a few months out.

Here at DCS, we’re usually so busy working on client projects that we don’t get the chance to pause and reflect on our own output as often as we’d like. This September, we’re working to change that – starting with a major overhaul of our website, which will be going live soon. 

In that review process, we found that two of our past articles in particular seem to have taken on a life of their own, pulling in the highest traffic of anything posted on our site. And we can see why – they both cover pretty important stuff!

First up is The Art of the Message Grid,” a piece we did last summer about the importance of anticipating what your opponents will say about you during the course of a civic campaign – and what you’ll say about them.

Click here to read “The Art of the Message Grid” >

Second up, we have “Sometimes, You Have to Go in Different Directions Along Parallel Paths,” a piece we did way back in 2013 about tackling an issue (in this case, renaming the Department of Public Welfare) from multiple angles at once.

Click here to read “Sometimes, You Have to Go in Different Directions Along Parallel Paths” >

We encourage you to join us in looking back at these two pieces, if only because – in web design and in life – looking back is often the best way to figure out where you’re going!